The Board of Directors considers and approves the vision, mission, strategy and business plans of the Company, subsidiary companies and associated companies. The vision of the Company has been revised every three years in order for the Company to achieve sustainable growth targets by taking into account the balance of both quantitative and qualitative rewards for all stakeholders as well as social and environmental responsibilities. The operation of the Company is in accordance with the principles of good governance. A mission statement is developed annually to reflect the changing environments. The organization is driven by the LPN Way which is derived from the extensive experiences in business operation.

Vision 2023-2025

Increase performance in fi nancial dimensions while maintain equilibrium and accountability towards stakeholders for sustainability.

Organizational Mission 2024

Towards Shareholders SUSTAINABILITY Increase performance in financial dimensions under risk management and good governance rinciples.
Towards Customers LIVABLE SOCIETY Create a “livable” society under the spirit of valuefor money, quality and care.
Towards Society and Environment COMPLIED WITH ESG GOALS Develop business procedures that comply with the principles and goals of ESG.
Towards Business Partners PARTNERSHIP Collaborate to develop working procedures for business advancement and growth.
Towards Employees SMART WORKFORCE Strengthen employees’ potential for competence with skills, know-how and work accountability.


LPN Way comprises two milestone values i.e.

“continuous development” and “respect for stakeholders”. The seven components of the values are “C-L-A-S-S-I-C” which is integrated into the operation of the Company and is adhered to by all segments of the Company. It has been developed into the organization values (LPN Values) and LPN Way with an aim to achieve the goal of the operation both in terms of quality and quantity and to drive the Company towards “Sustainable Development”.


The project management which realizes the importance of the careful utilization of resources and the efficiency of project management which focuses on the reduction of direct costs and hidden costs as well as the reduction of extra expenses in all departments without affecting the planned target and quality.


The new way of thinking that is flexible and different without any fear of obstacles in order to improve, change, develop and create new products and services. The implementation and assessment of the new process must be possible. The aim is to add value to the products and services as well as the growth of the organization.


The way of treating long-time and trustworthy business alliances with trust and fairness with the willingness to collaborate and develop the work continuously as if being in the same organization for the achievement of a common goal.


The focus on the development of the working and problemsolving process that is quick and attentive to details for the quality of the work and the completion before deadline to be one step ahead of others.


The care for all groups of customers at all times by putting ourselves in their shoes and showing willingness and enthusiasm to provide full services that exceed their expectations in order to add value to services and create good impression.


The action towards the organization and related business partners which is honest, responsible, transparent, fair and ethical at all times.


The sense of collaboration from staff at all levels in the operation or activity of the Company for the achievement of the common goal.

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